About us

About Sternula

Building world's largest maritime telecom network

At Sternula, we are proud to enable safety at sea and to help shipping companies save costs and reduce pollution. We are leading the implementation of AIS 2.0/VDES to become world’s largest maritime telecom network in terms of connected users. We take an active role together with global maritime stakeholders to standardize VDES under IALA, IMO, and ITU.

The name

The company name, Sternula, is also the latin name of the sea bird with the common name “little tern”. Terns are known to be world’s most migratory birds, travelling thousands of kilometers North and South – just like our satellites in Polar orbit.

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Stefan Pielmeier, Founder of Sternula, attending the ITU WRC19 (photo source: ITU)

We are part of


Awesome People Behind Us

LarsHALF scaled

Lars Moltsen


StefanHALF 1 scaled

Stefan Pielmeier

Founder - External Advisor

JakobHALF scaled

Jakob Weibrecht

Head of Sales

JohnHALF scaled

John Hansen

Senior R&D Engineer

MadsHALF 1

Mads Svendsen

Senior R&D Engineer

LuizHALF scaled

Luiz Rocha

Operations Engineer

VeronicaHALF scaled

Veronica Hjorth

Lead Physicist

Agata PortraitHALF scaled

Agata Dakowicz

Sales & Marketing Assistant

RasmusHALF scaled

Rasmus Johansen

R&D Development Engineer

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Adam Kalnický

Project Coordinator Assistant


Diana Puiu

Sales & Marketing Assistant

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Rasmus Haupt Dybkjær

R&D Assistant

Ivan conti

Ivan Conti

Sales & Marketing Assistant


Veronika-Karen Mbaha Lunakind

Sales, support & logistics Intern

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Marta Marinho Araujo dos Santos

Sales & Marketing Intern

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