Sternula on TV2 Nord!

interview with our CEO, Lars Moltsen

TV2 Nord recently paid a visit to Sternula’s office, to interview our CEO and co-founder Lars Moltsen.

The interview

As Andreas Mogensen’s mission in space had come to an end and he together with his team returned back to Earth, TV2 Nord’s visit to Sternula gave Lars the possibility to share insights about our company and underscored Denmark’s rising role in the space industry.

Sternula 3
Sternula 1 min

Do you want to see the outcome of the interview?

Open TV2 Nord’s article and find out more about Sternula or Aalborg’s evolving space cluster!

About Sternula

Sternula is Denmark’s first commercial satellite operator. We offer global VDE-SAT connectivity for maritime authorities and industries using our own fleet of advanced micro satellites in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) which is operational from 2023. At Sternula, we are proud to enable safety at sea and to help shipping companies save costs and reduce pollution. We take an active role together with global maritime stakeholders to standardize VDES under IALA, IMO, and ITU.

Photos by Mette Nielsen

interview with our CEO, Lars Moltsen